A bad credit score can cost you some serious cash. Over your lifetime, you can lose hundreds of thousands of dollars to a bad credit score.
Credit repair is necessary when your credit score is 600 or below. To give you an idea how this is calculated, everyone starts out with a good score but the moment you are late on a payment or a mortgage, this has an affect on your credit score.
Fowler and Fowler is a reputable credit repair company that can legally and ethically remove negative items from your credit report, and thereby improve your credit score.
We can remove:
--Late Payments
--Charge Offs
Information that is contained in your credit file must be reported according to a law called the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). If the information isn’t 100% accurate or 100% verifiable then it must be corrected or removed. With less negative information on your credit profile, the result is most often a nice increase in your credit score.
204 S. Main Ave #134
Lake Placid, Florida 33852, USA
Office: 863-655-1725
Fax: 866-665-4617
Toll Free: 1-866-524-2328
Source: http://fowlerandfowlercreditanddebt.blogspot.com/2016/05/credit-repair-is-very-functional.html